A while back we were talking about this on the VP list I think and someone was talking about a some small cheap car equipped with composite rear leaf springs. From the way he talked they would be cheap and easy to come by and had more than strong enough. I think he cut them at the arch and bolted them on. I think I can dig it out if anyone's is interested.
Might be worth looking into. Steve Bray Jackson, Tennessee >I don't know much about carbon fiber, but I have >routinely installed composite (fiberglass) rear mono >springs on early model Corvette's without problems. > > Chris, > > > > I never heard of anyone doing that. My thought is > > that it would be brittle. > _________________________________________________________________ FREE online classifieds from Windows Live Expo buy and sell with people you know http://clk.atdmt.com/MSN/go/msnnkwex0010000001msn/direct/01/?href=http://expo.live.com?s_cid=Hotmail_tagline_12/06