Does anyone know when the first fixed tricycle gear KR-2 was certificated? Ken Jones, Sharonville, OH N5834, aka The Porkopolis Flying Pig, KR-2 EAA Chapter 974 - KHAO
- KR> New net Bob Glidden
- KR> New net Bob Glidden
- KR> New net Kenneth B. Jones
- KR> New net Randy Smith
- KR> New net Myron (Dan) Freeman
- KR> New net Mark Jones
- KR> New net Willie van der Walt
- KR> New net Fred Johnson
- KR> New net Randy Smith
- KR> 1st Tricycle KR-2 Kenneth B. Jones
- KR> 1st Tricycle KR-2 Brad Ankerstar
- KR> 1st Tricycle KR-2 Ronald R.Eason
- KR> 1st Tricycle KR-2 AVLEC
- KR> Attached photos Kenneth B. Jones
- KR> Attached photos Brad Ankerstar
- KR> Attached photos Brad Ankerstar
- KR> New net Karl