>Subject: Re: KR> New net

> The new site will have it's place that's for sure. I'm already using it 
> for
> posts and I have been using this kind of format on other forums for quite
> some time.

Yes the New KR Forum does have it's place but personally I like the speed 
and quickness of this Net. The KR Forum is slow and very cumbersome to 
navigate through. It takes a lot longer to read the posts there. I know I 
can pick and choose and all that but I read every post and just like here 
there are many worthless posts and you don't know that till you start 
looking at them. At least here with a half second glance you know if the 
post is worth reading or not and another half second it goes into the 
deleted file. On the KR Forum, it takes much much longer. It would be a 
great Forum if people would not post all the me too's and stop duplicating 
what others say but with humans, that will never happen.

Mark Jones (N886MJ)
Wales, WI
Visit my web site: www.flykr2s.com
E-mail: flyk...@wi.rr.com

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