Mike McGowan wrote:

> One lister made a comment stating that with a large header tank only,
> "setting  up" for a refueling stop during a XC could be 
> hazardous/interesting/???, I
> don't remember the exact word.  Are we referring to change in C/L or
> sloshing of fuel in the tank or what?

He was talking about the change in CG.  I would think most folks would have 
baffles in their tanks, at least the plans call for them, I believe.  I 
remember reading a letter from an old KRNewsletter where I guy talked about 
his first long cross country with a passenger and baggage.  Takeoff was 
uneventful, but when they got where they were going the plane was almost 
uncontrollable during landing.  It took three or four go arounds, and they 
were almost out of fuel when he finally put it down.  It shook him up enough 
to write to the Newsletter to warn others.  I'm not sure how they got back 
home, but I'll bet it involved shifting some baggage and an extra fuel stop! 
Who knows what his CG looked like under more normal conditions, but if 
nothing else, it points out how important CG is.  The more forward the 
better when landing, in my book...

Mark Langford, Huntsville, Alabama
see KR2S project N56ML at http://home.hiwaay.net/~langford
email to N56ML "at" hiwaay.net

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