Re: KR> G  Meter
I fitted a GT-50 G meter into my KR yesterday from  A/Spruce. Has anyone 
used one?, the instructions say to protect the wiring with a fuse or 
c/breaker, but they do not say what size fuse to place in wire 3 & 4.

Is the current draw noted in the manual?Try the trouble shooting section if it 
has one.If not connect the meter to a 12 battery you are planning to use.Make 
sure it is charged to at least 11.5 volts.Measure the ampreage being pulled by 
the meter.Remember to use a shunt for safety.I would use a circuit breaker 
above the ampreage taken.If it measures 3 amps,use a 5 amp.The reason for 
adding a little to the amps is incase you loose your alternator/generator.As 
voltage drops(as the battery discharges)the meter will draw more ampreage.DO 
NOT GO MUCH HIGHER THAN A COUPLE OF AMPS,5 MAX.This could become a fire and 
safety hazard.A dead short or when a wire grounds against something metalic the 
circuit breaker will trip.Hope this helps.
Ben Mosley
ben_2_go@yahoo .com

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