At 04:28 AM 12/24/2006, you wrote:
>Mr. Heath, The slick 4216 has an AD on the coil. It appears that the serial
>number of your mag does not apply. However it would be helpful, if you could
>get a local A&P to make a log entry to that. The AD is 81-16-05.
>Daniel R. Heath

After verifying that his information is correct, your signature with that
entry should be just as valid in the engine log as any A&P.   You, as
the owner of an aircraft licensed experimental, are authorized to
perform all maintenance.  You must have someone with at least an
A&P license do the annual condition inspection unless you, as the
builder, apply for and receive a mechanics license for that aircraft.

I wonder what kind of firestorm this will set off. :-)

Larry Flesner

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