Message: 9 List-Post: Date: Wed, 15 Nov 2006 19:59:41 -0500 (Eastern Standard Time)
From: "Dan Heath" <> Subject: KR> Oil Temp? To: <> Message-ID: <455BB7FD.000006.03900@DANHOMECOMPUTER> Content-Type: Text/Plain; charset="iso-8859-1" >I found out about an oil pressure booster for this engine. Has anyone ever >used such a thing? It costs all of $8 and is easy to install. I just installed one on my 1641cc VW and it seems to work out OK. I turn it in about 4 ½ turns to get 60psi when the oil is cold and 15psi after it warms up at idle. (1000 rpm) In flight oil pressure is about 30psi. I use a full flow filter system and have a top mounted oil cooler. It runs at about 140 deg. F and can get up to about 190 deg. F on a hot day. Im still collecting data since Ive made some changes recently and havent flown much with the new oil filter. By the way the pressure adjusting plug goes in the pressure relief hole near the bell housing end of the case, not the thermal relief hole up by the pulley/distributor end of the case. -Joe