Willie van der Walt wrote: > Just as I decided to turn to downwind there was this vibration, almost > like a buffeting, stuttering, > shaking that took place and I turned towards the field facing downhill...
Congratulations! My guess is that the mixture went rich (or maybe lean) after you either reduced throttle or picked up speed. Next time it does that, lean or richen and see if that doesn't fix it. If I take off and don't lean a little after picking up speed, mine will start running rich and will occasionally run rough enough to immediately get my attention (sound familiar?). My first clue is when the mixture meter is pegged full rich. Another possibility might be prop flutter. My first engine did that the first time I flew it, when I slowly reduced power from full throttle. I learned to keep it from doing that by reducing the first 100 rpm or so quickly. That same prop (the Sterba) doesn't do that on the 2700cc engine. Good luck... Mark Langford, Harvest, AL see homebuilt airplane at http://www.N56ML.com email to N56ML "at" hiwaay.net