hi krheads I bought a s model one month ago I live on the west coast of
Australia the plane is 2500 miles away on the east coast last week I flew to
the east coast with the intenson to fly my plane home
on sat 25 oct i had the hand over flight all went well
sun 26 drove to the airstrip very early nobody there got ready for my first
lined up on runway 300 did the checks eased the power on tail up at about 45
lifted of about 60 held it down till 80 then climbed away very nice to fly
landing no problem however it does float to far but belly board will fix
that i hope
i flew more on sunday on monday i flew local did stalls diferant approach
speeds looking forward to next morning to begin my long flight home on my
flight plan i worked on 125 knots at 15 litres per hour i had fuel stops
orginized lots of preparation went in to this flight after my last flight
on monday i was taxing to the hanger a stange noise came from the motor i
cut the motor all temps and pressurs where in the green after the motor had
coolled i turned the prop by hand it was binding on one cylinder i nearly
started to cry i put it back in the hanger so i bought six pack of beer
the next day i went back to the hanger pulled the wings off removed the
motor rented a truck i put it in a friends shed i did not have the tools or
the time to do much more so i flew home on the big plane so I have to get it
home may be truck or train or ship i have not spoken for 4 days just been
too angry