Mark wrote: , but what's been clear to me for a while now is > that when > it's cold outside, running carb heat improves mixture distribution > and fuel > economy, at least at 10K' where it's cold.
I had noticed that there was some effect last winter with partial carb heat, But I never have kept things the same long enough to make any real correlations. > > I really need to put some wheel pants on my plane soon, but the next > time I > expect crappy weather for a few days I plan to extend the gear leg > brackets > 3" to see what that'll do for landing speed. And there are several > other > lists a mile long. . Get the wheel pants on so you can do what I did this morning -- Dig a pound of dirt and grass and crap out of the insides of them.... > I'm going to try to get out early today. The newly repaired transponder is not reporting altitude for some reason. If I can't get it fixed today I won't be able to go above 10K to try to call ya on the radio. Joe Horton, Coopersburg, PA.