I would like to see it.Do you have a website? It sounds like you having alot of 
fun. How were you 
planning to mount or reinforce stub spars? How much glass on both sides did you 
end up doing?
I hope you don't mind me asking, but it sounds like an awesome plane.

----- Original Message ----
From: "bearlk...@aol.com" <bearlk...@aol.com>
To: kr...@yahoo.com
Sent: Sunday, October 22, 2006 8:57:04 AM
Subject: fuse

My fuse is 45" wide, but has Kr height. The canopy is a bubble above a roll bar 
yet to be built. The structureal skin is 3/8" last a foam with glass on both 
sides. The foam was cut into strips like a cedar strip canoe, and glued 
together to form a free flowing curved form.
The form was sanded and microslurried to fill all voids. Then glassed. The 
result is stiff, strong and hopefully aerodynamic. I have not yet attatched the 
canopy or made the turtle deck. I will send pics if you are interested. 
Substitute balsa for foam strips and you are in buis...... Probably easier to 
wark with. 
Bob Polgreen

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