Thanks for the reply, I was talking about your hand drawn electrical diagram. I 
was hoping to find an easy to understand diagram for my neighbor. He knows how 
to fly an airplane that's it.    : )
I have never dealt with alternators, regulators etc myself. I am trying to 
build my KR derivative now, but my neighbor seems to rely on me for some of his 
projects ! In this case I am relying on others.  : )  The biggest problem right 
now is in attempting to be true scrounging home-builders, this fellow is 
retired and on a fixed income. It would be easy to tell him to run down to the 
John Deere or Kubota store and get $2 or 300.00 dollars worth of dynamos and 
regulators but I am trying to help him find a cheap and easy power source and a 
easy to understand for him wiring diagram. On another group one fellow 
suggested using an electric radiator fan from an auto junk yard as the power 
source. His post I added yesterday, but a cheap regulator and the how to hook 
it up is what I am searching for, for him. He is probably just going to make a 
wind generator to mount under his fuselage. Whatever we come up with may work 
for any of us in the future.
Mark, if your dynamo produces more power than you need or are using how do you 
keep from over charging the battery?
Is the zener diode mentioned before the only solution?
Thanks for your help 
Larry H.

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