Mark, and all other contributors.

Please treat this and the other contributions on this subject with some 

Randy Powell wrote:

>As a new member to this group and someone who hopes to begin building soon I 
>realize my voice carries no weight.   However I would ask those considering 
>leaving this group to please reconsider.   I know that without the benefit of 
>this group and the knowledge and wisdom of it's members, my project will 
Every email list goes thru this pain, when it reaches a certain size 
there is always too much noise it's just how life is.

Perhaps the time is right to think about turning the mailing list into a 
bulletin board, then it  is simple to split out  topics, and mails will 
be properly threaded. At the same time it would be possible for members 
to upload pics etc to illustrate their point

I am happy to stump up a little cash to help get this kicked off, or I 
have a spare web server sat doing nothing, and would be happy to host it.

Putting up a bulletin board will cost just a couple of hundred dollars 
for a software license, a lot less using wobbly free BB software, then 
perhaps $50 per month for hosting. Spread among the 50 or so regular 
contibutors that amounts to nothing.

I agree with Randy, people should not leave the list, I have certainly 
had my $50 dollars worth of encouragement, inspiration and helpfull 
advice, so here is my promise of $50 to get the ball rolling

Pete Diffey
St Albans, UK

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