The real answer, regarding transponders, is found in FAR part 91.215, nowhere else. Unless you get prior permission from ATC, and if your plane is (or ever was) certified with an engine driven electrical system, you are not allowed to fly it above 10,000 ft without a transponder. Also, you are not allowed to fly in class A, B or C airspace, or above class B or C airport lateral bounderies at or below 10,000 ft. Also, you are not allowed to fly from the surface upward to 10,000 ft. within 30 nautical miles of an airport designated in Part 91, Appendix D, section 1. (That includes 34 of the busiest airports in the U.S.)
The rules are different for planes never having been certified with engine driven electrical systems. The AIM does not accurately reflect the rules governing planes which have never been certified with an engine driven electrical system. I think this is a reflection of how complicated 91.215 is written. DON'T TRUST WHAT ANYONE HAS POSTED ON THIS SUBJECT, INCLUDING ME. READ THE RULES FOR YOURSELF TO BE SURE!!!!!! Ken Jones, Sharonville, OH N5834, aka The Porkopolis Flying Pig, KR-2 KHAO ----- Original Message ----- From: "Joe H Horton" <> > While I have your attention I have an FAR question. Is it legal > to fly over class B ceiling without radio communications or transponder. > I asked legal not if it is wise.