I was interested in the discussion, so I'm glad they
DIDN'T cut and paste it.  I tend to LEARN from these
discussions. I'd like to thank the posters for
including the group in them. 


--- Bob Glidden <glid...@ccrtc.com> wrote:

> Wow
> You know it amazes me that people still don't know
> how to cut and paste on a 
> email.I just returned from Michigan after nine days
> and had almost 400 
> emails most of which were like the one I just
> read.Why in the hell did 600 
> people need to know about somebody talking to a
> engineer? Why not send it to 
> the person it was intended for BRIAN
> brian.kr...@engalt.com  and even Brian 
> would probly like it if you were to cut the previous
> 5 emails that are 
> attached to it.Out of all those emails I got,most of
> them had multiple 
> emails on each one.If the ability to cut and paste
> is just way outside the 
> learning curve then stop by a school sometime and
> ask a 8 year old how to do 
> it.
> Bob Glidden

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