You probably already know it but if you get the urethane glue/gorilla glue on 
your clothes, it is probably there forever. If you get it on your hands (like I 
did) then you will be sitting around for days attempting to pick it off. I 
found that your skin is usually the weak link here, so if you decide to 
pick/tear it off of you, the next layer of skin/meat will now be exposed.  :)
  Larry H.

Scott William <> wrote:
  That's what I needed to hear. I could find nothing on
anyone that had results with it. This forum seems to
have the most knowledgable composite builders on the
net, so I always like to check here before I leap. 


--- Fred Johnson wrote:

> I used Gorilla glue on my Acro Sport II a few years
> ago and swear by it.

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