Mark Jones wrote:

>  The way they are, I feel the transponder coax is
> picking up the transmit signal of the radio tricking it into lighting up
> ident button.

You probably meant to say that transmitting on the radio sends out enough
spurious signals so that it tricks the transponder into sending an ident
signal, rather than just turning on the light.  I have one coax on one side
of the fuselage and one on the other, for that very reason, and it works.  I
should mention that my tranponder turned up dead one day, and an avionics
buddy says it could be due to the fact that I faired the little antenna in
with foam and glass, then painted it.  He said even a coat of paint could
change the characteristics, but foam and fiberglass could conceivable cause
real problems, which may be why my transponder croaked.  I now have a Bendix
blade antenna that I'll put in place when I get the transponder back.

Mark Langford, Huntsville, Alabama
see KR2S project N56ML at
email to N56ML "at"

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