        I'm sure that someone while chime in with the high tech version,
but I look at it as trying to dissipate the ground over as large of a
ground as possible as soon as possible. The engine or the engine mount
become the finial point as the largest chunks of metal in the plane by
default. The more metal the more current that can be dissipate. When 2
grounds or wires are on a common screw connection their current can bump
into each other so to speak if it can not be dissipate quick enough. 
        My panel is an alum sheet and I have multiple grounds connected
across the bottom with a ground strap from each end to the engine frame.
I also ran an 1/2" strap behind the panel to pick up the radio and
transponder as well as a couple other things to make sure they were
electrically as far away from things like the electric turn and bank
indicator to prevent noise.

Joe Horton, Coopersburg, Pa.

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