But wait! What if a KR2 traveling from the north pole to the south pole at 9,999' intercepts an IFR C-172 flying from the south pole to the north pole at 135 knots and 2500' (yes, he's in violation), and they both meet a Cardinal on a roadbed in California? Will this cause the KR2s in the belly of a C5-A flying from Australia to change direction? Will the C5's HUD display turn black around the edges? Will the pilot learn to punctuate sentences with periods and start new ones with capital letters? I doubt it! And I'll bet a C-172 COULD do Mach 1 with a JATO attached, assuming it had an O-235 in the nose.
Trust me, if there was a way I could set KRnet to one post per individual per day, I'd do it in a heartbeat. Then messages would count for something, and not just be delete-key fodder. I'm back in one of those modes where I'm wondering "what happens if the list owner un-subcribes from the list"? Does it cease to exist, or does it simply drift like a barge with no rudder? What ever happened to posting those "golden nuggets" that KR builders and pilots are looking for on KRnet? Maybe we should all go take another look at the KRNetiquette part of http://www.krnet.org/info.html , and then go build or fly something instead of making conversation on KRnet and keeping others from building or flying something. As Joe Horton once wrote me, "step away from the computer and build something". If you need real KR building advice, have real KR building advice to offer, or have some KR parts for sale, by all means post them, but otherwise, go do something constructive... Mark Langford, 297.1 KR2S hours as of 7:30 PM today see KR2S project N56ML at http://home.hiwaay.net/~langford email to N56ML "at" hiwaay.net --------------------------------------------------------------