Robin wrote; I am 67 & interested in flying, I have been interested in aircraft all my life I served my apprentiship in the aircraft industry. Started modifying DC3's from military to civil.
Left the industry 25 years ago & been in the vibartion business, now I am trying to retire & would like to build my on aircraft. Then I came across the KR2 & the KRnet. And now your email I you don't start now you will be 10 years older when you are finished. . Well it made me think if that old fart is willing to have a go & he's 70, what the hell are you bumming around about. Get going. All the best good luck Robin New Zealand Welcome abord Robin. By now you know that this is the best place to get the information you will need to build your aircraft in the shortest time. I have built one before (1975 to 1987) but I did not have the support that this net provides. All the best of luck to you and keep all of us informed as to how you are doing Pat Driscoll Saint Paul, MN LIFE MAY NOT BE THE PARTY WE HOPED FOR.... BUT WHILE WE ARE HERE WE MIGHT AS WELL DANCE!" --- http://USFamily.Net/dialup.html - $8.25/mo! -- - $19.99/mo! ---