
I finally did it.

I bought a KR2 project.  I even went so far as to buy it on  Ebay.

To the best of my review of the sketchy documentation I am the forth in a  
line of KR builders to "attempt" to build this project.  So I missed that  
is a charm thing.

I originally planned on building either a KR or a FlyBaby and I have  already 
purchased the plans for the Flybaby but the Ebay offer appeared to be a  good 
deal and I went for it.

Now I am the proud owner of:  A boat with stub spars, wing spars, horz  & 
vert stabs Diel glass wing covers and main gear, coweling amd turtle deck  and 
corvair.(I was planning an a corvair in the Flybaby).  Other than the  wing 
skins no glass has been done and very little foam.

I am in the process of inventorying what I have and making room in the  
workshop to "build my plane" The workshop is full of the typical stuff and 
is no where to even start to build.

My plan is a "roomy" 1 place cruiser or a "tight" 2 place fun  machine.

Bio Information:

Male 50 ish
Engineer - Aerospace - Propulsion (Materials  - Metals /  Welding)
PPL 300 hrs 172, 150, Tomahawk
Part owner of a 152
Married and hope to stay that way  4 Kids all out of the house
Live in Central Connecticut
Member of EAA although never have attended a meeting (I guess that will  
change now)

Would like to meet other KR folks in the area and to get a handle on just  
how crazy I really am.

KR net has already been worth the price.  (I know it is free but the  info 
has already been helpful)

One question Regarding the Mt. Vernon - 2006 gathering I have  been trying to 
cut & paste the link and all I get is a blank page.  Is  the page actually up?

Gary Shubert
KR2 soon to be under construction AGAIN

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