The formation training Chris Good received was through FFI.  FFI using the 
T-6 training manual as a basis for formation training.  It is very usual for 
someone to have well in excess of two years of training before they are able 
to pass a checkride.  Flying close together is not formation flying.  Matter 
of fact, close can be a reason for failing the checkride.

At the time time Formation Flying Inc. was started only warbirds and 
aerobatic show pilots were allowed to fly formation is waivered airspace.  
Remember, anybody can fly formation as long as there is a formal bried held 
prior to the flight.  The big thing is waivered airspace, ie., Sun & Fun, 
Oshkosh for the two biggees.  Stu McCurdy, a retired fighter pilot, started 
FFI at the request of the FAA.  It originally was to go through EAA but when 
finalization of the training manual was at hand, the EAA dropped the ball 
and said they didn't want to accept the liability exposure even though they 
were inherently involved since inception.  FFI cardholders are trained and 
sanctioned at the same level as this T-6 guy, they are very, very good.  Stu 
travels around the county in his RV-8, Falcon Flight (guess what he used to 
drive) training and acting as check pilot.  It is very serious flying, if 
you are thin skinned you will not make it through the training.  This 
carries on after every flight in the debrief.  The debrief is very straight 
to the point and any, and I mean any, variation from perfection is pointed 
out.  Again, it is very serious and thin skin make you a spectator.

I have got some emails about Chris's crash.  They were not part of the 
airshow but were authorized to fly in waivered airspace.  They were simply 
inbound for static display and transitioning to land when all hell broke 
loose.  Accidents happen and when you fly formation it doesn't take much.  
That is why the FFI pilots are so well trained.  Chris was a very 
accomplished pilot.  By seeing crash wreckage, Chris obviously died 
instantly.  That is the only thing good about this.  I knew Chris and just 
like John Monday, this hurts.

Be trained and be safe, we are a limited quantity.

Dana Overall
1999 & 2000 National KR Gathering host
Richmond, KY i39
RV-7 slider, Imron black, "Black Magic"
O 360 A1A, C/S C2YK-1BF/F7666A4
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