On Sun, 18 Jun 2006 13:45:12 -0400 "Clare Snyder"
<claresny...@rogers.com> writes:
> Joe, I think you are pinching your tube on landing. Try higher 
> pressure and 
> see what happens. As for your oil pressure, what oil are you 
> running, and 
> how many hours on the change???
        I had pressure at 35 psi but it apparently had dropped in the
past few weeks to about 30 psi. I increased all to 37 psi now.
        The oil is just about due to change already - about 23 hours on
it. I have been using 10-30 in warm weather and 5-30 in the cold. It is a
semi synthetic and I also put in a pint or so of slick 50 with each oil
I did take off the headset to see if I could hear anything strange from
the engine. It seemed to run fine. In fact on the first climb out this
morning I was thinking to my self how smooth and quite it seemed today.
        I have the high volume pump installed and pressure has never been
below 35psi and 28psi is where I set the warning on the EIS. 42 psi has
been the normal operating pressure all along.
        I installed the instruments for a reason and if I don't
investigate what is going on I could be out flying right now in ignorant
bliss. I have to find out what changed. I will take advise. Even the EIS
is suspect and I still have a loaner that was ready to ship back that I
may plug in just to check.
Joe Horton, Coopersburg, Pa.

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