Barry, Sorry to hear of your accident last weekend but glad to hear you got out of it with a couple of cuts and bruises.
My KR is almost rebuilt following my gear collapse at Miles a few months ago, although I must say you did a better job than me, as I only lost the gear and the prop, although I did have to cut the spars out of the wings in the subsequent recovery effort to get them home safely. At least I get to use the new airfoil and perhaps gain a few knots in speed. I also took the opportunity to install the Diehl fixed gear package and will redo the panel, removing a bunch of instruments and that bloody Icom radio, which is for sale if anyone wants it. I have also installed 6" rims and tyres on the KR, so now I can land practically anywhere. Yes, it looks like a Hyundai Excel with 19" rims, but they will keep me out of more trouble than the old 4" rims could... Hopefully I will have my KR flying in time to see you take yours on your second first flight. Cheers, Robin. Robin Wills Second Person, Pacific National KR-2 19-4594, Ser# N111