The boat and tail feathers are not damaged at all. The wing stub skins are damaged where the wheels went up throught the leading edges. I wonder what would have happened if they lined up with the spars. The lower wing stub skins are holed where the wheel pants went through the bottom of my new wing stub tanks. The spar to boat joint looks to be ok from the inside. The undercarriage mounts are OK and don't appear to have damage the spar where they bolt on. The WAFs are not damaged and the bolts came out as easily as before the accident. The right wing is easily repaired, only a hole in the lower wing tip surface The left wing has about 450mm of the spare broken off, can it and the wing be repaired????????????? Or just make a new spar. The cowling needs replacing, lucky I made molds for it. The undercarriage is totally wrecked. My new belly board is damaged, don't know how much damage as I haven't opened it. New prop and spinner. Engine and crank test after hitting the nose so hard. Repack the ballistic chute.
I'm working away for the next 2 weeks so no progress 3 or so weeks. I'll report any more damage that I find. That's all :-) Then back in the air :-) .........still smilling......I'm alive and I know what I did wrong in both the fuel system and in my landing/crash. When I saw the contour I should have tried to extend my touch down point to after the contour, close belly board or just tried to get a little power from the engine as it was still running, though rough. regards Barry Kruyssen Cairns, Australia