Beverly & Colin Rainey wrote:
> Personally, everything I read leads me to draw the conclusion that the
> engine of the future in GA aviation will be run on JET A, kerosene.
> They already have several diesels that run successfully on it, and it
> is just a matter of time before they eclipse the gas engine with
> popularity. The slower burning and power making diesel also work
> wells with props.  A light weight version would be perfect for the
> KR2, Zenair, Vision crowds.

If there was a suitable diesel out there it would be going into my KR1. Mags 
can't crap out if they aren't installed on the engine.
N3343V- '75 C150M
N205FT- KR1 #6170
He who seeks will find, and he who knocks will be let in. 

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