> Oscar, I though it was your job to send these notices out? :-)

Only because he's in the Himalayas with his Sherpa guide.  Wireless is a bit 
spotty there.

Somebody asked how many members are on CorvAircraft....458.

I flew two more hours yesterday.  It was super smooth with no real wind, so 
I worked on landings some more. Went to Guntersville and did 5 touch and 
goes, but on the way out I hear this voice on the radio "come back and let 
us see that purrrty little plane with the nice sounding engine!".  So I went 
back to find a hangar full of nice folks rebuilding a SeaRey that'd been 
landed in the water with the gear down (they flip).  Told them all about the 
plane and the engine and then flew to Moontown to look at an intercom in a 
buddy's Starduster, where I got flagged down again and went through the same 
drill for another half an hour.  Met some more nice folks though.  Took off 
from there at sundown and flew over my street at 200 mph with the "alt" 
switch off on the transponder, did a crop duster turn at the end of the 
street and did a repeat performance.  Man that was fun!  Landed just about 
dark, and when I got home my wife said "very impressive flyby dear!".  My 
daughter had some friends over, and they were all out in the yard at the 
time, so now I'm on the hook for three rides.

I've been thinking about driving to a Scirocco thing in Cincinatti for 
years, and this year I can fly to it.  I'm just a lurker on that group, so I 
emailed asking if there was an airport nearby the festivities.  I got a 
reply yesterday that it was at the house in the middle of the picture at 
http://tinyurl.com/necqr .  I laughed so hard my wife had to come check on 
me to see if I'd gone off my rocker.  Now I'm stopping by Cincy on my way to 
Corvair Wings and Wheels (June 2nd, 3rd and 4th at Barber Field (2D1), 
Alliance, Ohio) to see some really nice Sciroccos.  Life is pretty darn 

Mark Langford, 229.5 KR hours
see KR2S project N56ML at http://home.hiwaay.net/~langford
email to N56ML "at" hiwaay.net 

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