> So, what difference does it make. Seems to make more sense to have
> the
> nuts where you can easily see them.
> -------Original Message-------
> F A A convention recommends that the bolt heads be forward,
> Virg
I agree with Dan and so does the inspector the finaled my plane. The nuts
for the engine mount would be hidden back under the top shelf and would
be very difficult to inspect and safety wire. As mine is now I see those
nuts every time I take the cowl off. If the FAA says it should be the
other way around They may be looking at installations that have more
access on the rear side of the firewall or maybe thinking that if a nut
would come off the mount would have to pull the whole blot out to come
off. Neither argument would be better than being able to see and fix a
problem before it got worse. IMHO
Joe Horton, Coopersburg, PA.