Hello KRers,

Today being Friday, I would like to ask a sort of
aviation related question. Recently, the wife and I
have been thinking about places to move to. My wife
being a journalist has few options. New York and
California come to mind.

So far as aviation and experimental aviation are
concerned, which of the two is better? Just like in
airplanes it is all about compromise. We are trying to
fit her career, my career (software), my love for
aviation and future kids (don't have any, right now)
all together.

With the collective knowledge there is on this list,
any suggestions you can make would be appreciated.

PLEASE respond only to ameetsav...@yahoo.com

If this email offends or violates (I know it is on the
borderline there) the krnet policy please just ignore
and don't respond to it at all.

Thanks and happy building/flying!

Ameet Savant
Omaha, NE

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