At 12:03 AM 4/24/2006, you wrote:
>Netters Is there any reason why one of those Dual input devices 
>could not be use
>dual mixture controls?  looks possible to me.  Of  course things can start to
>get crowded.
> > >
> > >A/C Spruce has a handy device in there catalog that allows you 
> to connect 2
> > >trottles to it for one output.  They even have a picture.  It 
> does not look
> > >all that complex.
> >
> > Even more simple, a Marvil-Schebler Carb has three holes in the
> > throttle lever arm.  I have connected the pilot's side throttle, with
> > friction lock, to the center hole, and the passenger's side throttle
> > to the outer hole.  There is only one mixture control and that is on
> > the pilot's side.

There are two things to consider for that.  On my MA-3, there is only 
one connection point for the mixture, so an intermediate linkage 
would need to be fabricated.  The other consideration is, would the 
passenger need to adjust mixture?  I certainly don't think so.  I 
also did not duplicate the carb heat control on the passenger 
side.  Again, I do not think that it is necessary.

Don Reid  -  donreid "at"
Bumpass, Va

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