Guys , The deed is done and it feels like a relief although I know there is more to do. But I landed this morning after a smooth and uneventful flight of 1.1 hours and a total of 40.4 in the log book. I had to work at it this week but managed to get in 6.4 hours and 10 landings. I explored climbs, cruise, decents and stalls with full fuel and up to 50# extra in the passenger seat. The plane and engine handled it beautifully to this point and I will continue to check it further into the weight envelope. All I can really say is that it is so exciting (almost orgasmic) This has been a dream as long as I can remember. I know that I was trying to design my own pedal powered helicopter and plane at about 9 years old.(then someone explained friction and energy loss to me). When I was about 10 I figured that everyone would own a flying car by 2000. It took a long time to realize that not that many people really had the stuff to fly. Six years latter than that target date I now own that dream. It's very real and a lot of fun. I want to thank everyone that has helped me. Some of you know that you helped and others may not know that they have through their post or simply being a friend with a common goal. I look forward to meeting all of you sometime and sharing more good times and knowledge that comes from the incredibly rewarding hobby of home building aircraft. Thanks again Joe Horton, Coopersburg, Pa.
PS. -- 1st trip is planned for one morning this week to visit my Dad. It is a 3 1/2 hr drive but in the time machine I think 45 minutes from take off to landing should do it. Breakfast for an hour and back to work by 9. Man what a life.