I totally agree... when I ferried N9401E from TX to OR we had an aviation GPS 
which was handy. But within a couple hundred miles of home, on good flying 
days, the Etrex is a nice solution for my simple flying. I'm sure I'll get 
something more sophisticated when I get my KR2 in the air...  though by then 
the technology will have advanced again...

>  -------Original Message-------
>  From: Brian Kraut <>
>  Subject: RE: KR> "back up" gps
>  Sent: 22 Mar '06 02:07
>  I have flown my Mustang almost 13,000 miles with just a $159 Etrex Legend.
>  I really love it except for the few times I have seen bad weather all around
>  me and I didn't have every airport along my path programmed in the
>  waypoints.  Those are the times you wish you spent the extra couple hundred
>  bucks.
>  Brian Kraut
>  Engineering Alternatives, Inc.
>  -----Original Message-----
>  From: []On
>  Behalf Of michaela
>  Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2006 11:02 AM
>  To: KRnet
>  Subject: KR> "back up" gps
>  might as well admit... I fly my Aeronca 11AC with a $99 etrex... of course,
>  I max out at 90mph, but as a back up to visual pilotage... it does the trick
>  pretty well....
>  Tony

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