Backup was one of the reasons I went this way in the first place. Figured that if it wouldn't take the database change Lowrance's = navigation page would at least be useful as well as the moving map for cross = reference to appropriate sectionals. As luck would have it, this particular unit = was dropped as a marine unit and upgraded to aviation by database change as = well as moving all them little buttons from the side to the bottom of the = screen. Kind of like changing a picture from landscape to portrait. The first thing I did was do some research on the unit before I bid on it and it was a pretty safe gamble since the two units were so = similar. The operating manual has backed this up so far and all I really need to = do now is test it in the air. A little on the large size to be carry on for commercial so will have to wait till the little bird is finished. Doug Rupert Simcoe Ontario
I bought a Magellan 310 at a sporting goods store. Tried it out just = for fun on a recent flight to Illinois. Worked great. American got up to = 415 mph on descent and cruised at about 355. Went up to 35,000 above sea = level and had a heading the whole way. If I put in the waypoints I had = already marked, it gave headings and distance. In other words it looks like a = great backup GPS. Ray=20 New Orleans =20 --=20 No virus found in this outgoing message. Checked by AVG Free Edition. Version: 7.1.385 / Virus Database: 268.2.6/287 - Release Date: 3/21/2006 =20