As far as payload in the 2S - I have a stock 2S with Corvair - empty weight  
is 710 lbs.   I listed the gross at 1200 lbs.   One flight I  did - departure 
weight was @1400 and I was close to the aft CG.   I  had 6500 feet of runway 
so I could test this weight.  Takeoff was smooth  and normal - more sensitive 
on the elevator but not bad.  We climbed out at  750 ft/min at this weight.  
Again - not bad.  Flew 4 hours nonstop to  Illinois for the Gathering - smooth 
flight.  I never would have tried this  with my KR2 with the VW engine (2180 
turbo) but my new 2S performed  flawlessly.   I dont recomend flying over gross 
without lots of  experience and knowing your airplane's capabilities.   I know 
the  rules in the UK are different though and more stingent on some of the  

Bill and 41768
Valdosta GA

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