I got my fix today.  I replaced my front tire (Yes, I only have one.) a 
couple of days ago because of a vibration on landing which I thought might 
have been caused by a definitely "out of round" tire.  I didn't get a chance 
to try it out until today, just before sundown.  When I got to the airport, 
I was welcomed with 35 degrees and an 80 degree crosswind, 14 gusting to 19. 
That didn't sound too bad, but what a ride!  Once around the pattern, an 
"excellent" (I think I can fly it again.) landing and back to the hangar. 
I've flown my KR in winds that were certainly called worse, but never in any 
that were actually worse (or even close).  I used almost all the control 
stick travel in every direction several times throughout final, all the way 
onto the runway.   I think I fixed the vibration because if there was any 
vibration or shimmy in the nose wheel, I certainly didn't notice it.  Hmmm, 
maybe I should verify that on a calmer day just to be sure.

Lesson:  Concerning wind, numbers don't always tell the whole story.

Ken Jones, kenbjo...@cinci.rr.com
Sharonville, OH
N5834, aka The Porkopolis Flying Pig

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mark Jones" <flyk...@wi.rr.com>
> Actually, I think it is the fact that I need a KR flight fix.

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