Probably everyone who's been to a Gathering where Steve Bennet's KR 1 1/2 was will answer this for you. Steve's narrowed plane is a KR-2, NOT a 2-S, but that shouldn't make much difference. But why? It's not like you've got a lot of extra room anyway. With the full-width plane you have the extra room to throw your bag, keep charts, and a lot of other stuff you won't have room for if you squeeze it down to a single. You could also add an upper wing and have a helluva nice Pitts replica, too. Or use three KR-1 fuselages for a P-38 replica. It's a very flexible design, but then I've never built one, so I'd ask someone who knows what he's talking about. Frank Ross, struggling to get out of this #@%#&* straight-jacket!
--- michaela <> wrote: > Has anyone ever built or contemplated building a > single seat KR2S. Ie, narrowing the fuselage a bit, > > I do in my '46 Aeronca 11AC... ;-)... Your > thoughts/ideas/opinions? > > Tony Frank Ross, EAA Chapter 35, San Geronimo, TX RAF Lakenheath, Suffolk, England, UK Visit my photo album at: __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around