Hi gang We over here have a problem with a new zero time aerovee motor that is fitted to the new Whisper express prototype. I am no VW expert, Mark L or someone else might be able to shed some light here. If you look at the motor from the prop flange, the prop hub exits the case off centre by approx 0.3mm. (a 0.3mm feeler guage can be squeezed into the gap). It is quite noticeable at a glance. It also leaks oil from this area although it runs fine. I suspected a faulty line bore but surely if the line bore was off centre to the case split line, it would still be concentric to the crank since the crank runs in bearings which are located by the line bored case??? Any suggestions. Regards Dene Collett KR2SRT builder South africa Whisper assembler See: www.whisperaircraft.com
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