At 07:35 AM 12/5/2005, you wrote:
>I'm not an engineer or even an expert,  but how valid is static testing with
>no air load on the aileron.   Our operating environment has air moving over
>that service at up to 200 mph, which I would think would effect the outcome
>in serviceable hours.

I am an engineer and an expert on airfoils and I know a lot about 
materials, stress calculations, fatigue life and a few other 
engineering things.  A solid surface aluminum hinge is unconventional 
but perfectly safe.  The service life should be on the order of 
10,000 hours (my estimate only).  It will be much less likely to fail 
in service than an aluminum propeller and you would not think twice 
about flying behind one of those.

Don Reid  -  donreid "at"
Bumpass, Va

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