Group, Although my day yesterday was a great time, there are a few housekeeping things to take car of.
1. Airspeed was about 120 +/- (could be faster) 2. RPM's 3300 max at level flight 3150 @ climb out. 3. Fuel consumption is about 5 gal per hour ( I have a Super POSA ) I can lean it out in the air. 4. No music for the 1:20 trip. What is an easy inexpensive way to get music/ipod/satalite radio piped into the headset?? 5. CHT is a little high on #1 cyl. My prop that I have now is a Culver 52/45 this might need to be repitched, per GP this might help with the RPM's and the temp. I have an HAPI 1835 VW with Scat heads Any Ideas from the VW guys out there?????? Lee Van Dyke Mesa AZ