Larry Flesner wrote: >The reason I ask is that you Corvair fliers seem to get better climb performance than my 0-200. <
I've been using a stopwatch lately to time my climbs, and I've been getting an average of almost 1000'/min with full fuel, and that's an average from ground (700') to 10,000' or so. And I don't have gap seals yet. I'm not sure how much gap seals will do for me, since my ailerons and flaps are pretty tightly gapped, but for Troy (who used the wide open wedge design from the plans for his ailerons) seals made a huge improvement. Speaking of wings, I changed something last night that should make a difference in my aileron feel. I have a "heavy left wing", caused by the fact that I'm sitting on the left side, mostly, and maybe also because I have more cusp underneath the left aileron than the right (none). I had stuck some balsa RC model "trailing edge" wedges under the right aileron to jack it up during flight. That wasn't very smart, in retrospect, because I was now forcing BOTH ailerons up. Last night I removed the wedges from the bottom of the right aileron and added an aluminum tab to the top of the left aileron, so now I'm forcing the left aileron down, rather the right aileron up. This ought to lessen control forces a little, and remove some unnecessary force from the aileron control system. I also finished up the cabin heat muff and valve, so I should have cabin heat now (and yes, I also installed a CO detector). My Terra 760D radio should be back today, with a clean bill of health. Nothing wrong with it after all. I checked all the wiring last night and there's nothing funny there either. My guess is that an aluminum chip got in there and shorted across a chip's legs and created a sort of "brown out". Unlikely, you say? The day before I flew it to Daytona Beach, I drilled 4 holes in my panel to mount the big GPS remote display. There's a little 1/4" hole for sidetone adjustment located about 4" from the holes I drilled, right in the top of the radio. The drill would have funneled the chips right over that hole. I blew the thing out before I shipped off to the shop to have it repaired (suspecting something like that), but neglected to check it to see if it worked after that. Duhhhhhhhh.. Looks like daughter Claire will get her first KR ride Thursday, to a family reuninon in South Alabama. The weather's supposed to be pretty decent. 30 mph gusts today though... Mark Langford, Huntsville, Alabama see KR2S project N56ML at email to N56ML "at"