> >58" x 64 Sterba prop > The numbers: >normal climb-90 mph indicated-- 1200'/min >best angle climb-- 80 mph -- 1500'/min >75%power cruise -- 2800 rpm-- 145mph >WOT--3150 rpm--170mph >cruse climb-- 2800 rpm--700'/m >Joe Horton ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Joe, Are your climb numbers measured or indicated on a VSI ? The reason I ask is that you Corvair fliers seem to get better climb performance than my 0-200. I'm talking anywhere from 200 to 700 feet. I'm running a 60X64 Sterba prop and I'll get 800 fpm climb max but I still get 170mph the same as you in cruise at 2650 rpm. I know I'm not getting the hp out of my engine on climbout (2350 - 2400 rpm) but a 50% better climb rate is hard to fathom. You Corvair fliers are all running the new wing , I think, and I'm running a stock KR wing but the numbers difference is hard for me to believe. Larry Flesner