Martindale Family <> wrote:
You want the gap small to minimise air flow from the high pressure side to
the low pressure side. Mind you, the KR elevator is so effective that it
might not matter all that much. My gap is about 2 mm. I wonder how much the
tail surface flexes in flight and whether this could cause binding if too
many hinges were used. I think there is a thread on this. Check the


The Martindale Family
29 Jane Circuit
Toormina NSW 2452

Thanks John,

Those were exactly my concerns. I didn't want to have to wide a gap, because I 
know that would effect the areodynamics, and I wasn't sure of how tight I could 
get with out getting bitten by some flexing to to flight air pressures.

I can't imagine the HS flexing more than 1/8, especially since I have three 
hinges on each side.

Ron Smith
Cypress Ca U.S.A.

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