Netheads, For those of you that have been using the TinyTach, here's an alternative: The Digatron tach used on Karts. The units have a lead that zip-ties onto the spark plug lead and a CHT lead that is placed between the sparkplug and head. Because they do not attach with the primary ignition system, and they are powered by a 9 volt battery, It would seem to me that this would be a perfect choice for aircraft use. There are units with options for back lighting and additional memory. They even have shift and warning lights options that are helmet mounted. Cool stuff! Prices range between $225 to $400 new or check-out eBay. Comet Kart Sales has close-out DT-4E's for sale for $120. These units don't offer any memory or backlight options and are the older tan colored units.
Leads are easily replace-able and available through the Kart Shops. Scott Cable Jamestown, ND --------------------------------- Yahoo! FareChase - Search multiple travel sites in one click.