My opinion is that a BRS is a crutch and masks poor piloting skills or decisions.
+++++++++++++ A most welcome crutch when excellent piloting skills and the very best decisions will not stop nature from passing the death sentence, particularly when: = The motor quits over the mountains. (It happened to me) = An aileron comes adrift - refer at least one Cirrus incident (he survived) = A bird takes comes through the windscreen / canopy (variety of examples with mostly sad consequences) = Medical problem incapacitates the driver who hopefully briefed the wife, kid or whoever is along for the ride (about the big RED lever called BRS). Several happy stories here and many, many sad stories. Refer and read about more than 20 people (so far) who are pleased to have had that 2nd chance. = Caught out on top of 8/8?, Serious QBI? / Icing? / instrument failure? - refer the illustrious father of all KR's, Kenny Rand (sadly he did not survive) I agree with Jaco, just do it. Barry K from down under has one in a stock KR2 (almost Stock) and still has space for his good lady. Shucks man, even some hang gliders have them - surely any KR can accept A BRS. Steve Zambia