The KR is a wood sub structure, foam and fiberglass airplane. Period, nothing else!!! If you guys want to build a steel tube plane, you should build another aircraft which has already been designed as one. There is a fellow in Australia named Garry Morgan who sells kits for Aluminum planes which are an identical take off of the KR. Contact him if you want an Aluminum KR. The point I am trying to make here is that this is a KR airplane forum, not a place to design and build an entirely new airplane. There KR are builders all over the world who monitor this list to learn how to build KR and you are doing nothing but wasting their time. When I pay my voluntary yearly dues (did you?) for the KR Net, I expect to hear KR related issues. I think the problem here is that some of you guys are simply dreamers and not true KR fanatics like the rest of us. You either LOVE THE KR or don't. If you don't, then move on to another plane and stop wasting your time trying to re-invent the KR. You and I both know that most of these foolish ideas you propose will never ever be implemented in the KR. I am not trying to be a smart ass here, but let's get this list focused back where it is meant to be and that is on the KR airplane as Ken Rand and Stuart Robinson meant for it to be, simple and cost effective.
Mark Jones (N886MJ) Wales, WI USA E-mail me at Visit my KR-2S CorvAIRCRAFT web site at