I flew to KMNN (Marion, OH) today to attend the MERFI (Mid-Eastern Regional Fly-In.) It was beautiful weather and a pleasent flight both directions, only 100 nautical miles from KHAO. I didn't see any other KR's there today, but there were several owners and builders. I got lots of positive comments about the Porkopolis Flying Pig. I think they were all because she', "Flying", not because she's a "Pig". I flew up with an RV-9 so I had to fly at reduced power. (Oops, I think I got that backwards.) This was the first time I have been there, but it's a great fly-in. Probably less than 10% of the planes there were RV's. It's held each year. I'd recommend it to anyone close enough to attend.
Ken Jones, kenbjo...@cinci.rr.com Sharonville, OH N5834, aka The Porkopolis Flying Pig