First, congratulations to Mark J. on a speedy recovery. That was very good

Today, Jerry came over and we took the oil temp gauge and sender out of the
plane and tested it in boiling water. It tested perfect, just as it did when
I had checked it about a month ago. So we put it back in the plane and it
appeared to be not working. So, we decided to give it the real test. Again,
it appeared to be not working and I was ready to put it back in the shop.
Jerry encouraged me to keep it running for a while as he was placing his
hand behind the oil cooler and did not feel a lot of heat. After, what
seemed like 10 minutes, the temp started coming up. So, either I had it
wired up wrong, or, more likely, I just never ran the engine long enough to
get the temperature above 140 degrees.

Now, with the exception of my finishing up the cowling, we are ready to go
to the airport. I am very close on the cowling, just finish and paint to go.
So, as soon as it cools back down a little, I will get back at it. 

See you in Mt. Vernon - 2005 - KR Gathering

See N64KR at - Then click on the pics 

There is a time for building and a time for FLYING and the time for building
has expired.

Daniel R. Heath - Columbia, SC

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