Hallo Guys, I have increased the dimensions on my wing spars with approx 15% and also fitted 6 ply mahogany plywood to each side instead of 3 ply. The wings are fitted with wing tanks and came out beautifully, but the thing is this, The WAF are still the same. I am sure that the 32 liter tanks on each side should help with unloading the WAF. Should I redo the WAF or could I fit a stretch plate between the top inboard WAF and the bottom outboard WAF (front and rear)? I plan on operating the plane at a 1250 lbs Gross weight. The horisontal stabiliser has been extended 4 inches per side, the vertical stabiliser has also been extended with 4 inchesand the wing span is 24.2 ft (RAF48). Any thoughts?
Jaco Swanepoel South Africa KR2S _ ZU-DVP --------------------------------- Start your day with Yahoo! - make it your home page