
Fixing the hole as described by Orma is the method preferred to repair the 
mis-drilled holes in the spar.  However, no-one has addressed the root cause of 
the problem:

When drilling the WAF's, or where-ever you drill through the spar(s), you must 
use a drill guide as described in the plans.  (here come the flame-jobs!!!).  
After spending all that time to build the spars- ask yourself  before you 
drill--Is it worth drilling through the spars with-out a drill guide?  OK-- let 
the flames begin--now I'm going to hear about everyone that drilled with-out a 
drill guide with no problems.  But ask yourself, if you were to do it over 
again, would you be so lucky the 2nd time around?

Scott Cable
KR-2S # 735
Wright City, MO
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