Hello Net

A few days ago I started a thread about having a KR database.  I got some good 
help from Dan Heath and that was about it.  I have made a start at building a 
database with Dan's help, and at this point I would like some comments as to 
what the KR community would like to have in the database and or get out of the 

At the present time I do not have a feel for how much storage space will be 
needed.  Considering that there are over 1100 KR registered with the FAA, the 
database could be quite large.  I have not answered questions like how to grant 
visitors access to the data and I'm sure the whole process may take a couple of 
months to put together.   However now is the time for building the tables that 
will eventually be filled with hundreds of records from the KR flyers and 
builders in our group.  
It is my personal feeling that buying a set of plans will not get you into the 
database.  That having a KR that is ready to hatch from the house and move to 
the airport for testing and final inspection is probably where adding the plane 
to the database should begin.  However, I did ask for opinions from the group.  
Since some threads seem to go on forever, I would like to limit any comments to 
the end of June.   That is almost 5 full days, which should be enough.  

Southfield, MI
N110LR Tweety, old enough to drink this year
Flying and more flying, to the gathering or bust

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